If it harms chickens, we’re against it.
Who doesn’t want to raise chickens? I mean, c’mon, how cool would that be?!! Living off the fat-ta the land! Farm fresh eggs delivered almost literally to your door. Home-grown eggs are healthier and more nutritious than the ones you buy in the grocery store. Plus, chickens are just fun, naturally.

Our chicken selection in Houston is nothing to BAWK at! Sorry.

We carry an exquisite selection of Fancy Bantams, such as Silkies, Frizzles, and Seramas. This is not an all-inclusive list. If you want it, request it and we will find it!
Chicks or Pullets are available from Wabash throughout the year, please call for availability.
- NAmeraucana (easter eggs)
- NSilver laced wyandotte
- NBlack australorp
- NBuff orpington
- NRhode Island Red
- NGold sex link
- NAssorted bantam breeds
- NAssorted crested breeds (polish etc)
- NCuckoo Marans (chocolate brown eggs)
Raising Chickens 101

There’s a lot to like about raising your own chickens. The eggs are a real temptation—tastier and fresher than any store eggs and better for baking, too. The shells, along with the chicken poop, can be tossed right into the compost pile. Much of the day, the birds entertain themselves, picking at grass, worms, beetles, and all of the good things that go into making those yummy farm eggs.
Remember, though: Nothing good comes easy.
Here are the basics of raising chickens:
- NYou’ll need a coop. It has to hold a feeder, a waterer and a nest box for every three hens. It should be large enough that you can stand in it to gather eggs and shovel manure.
- NChickens need food (and water) daily, an adult chicken will consume around 2 pounds of feed per week.
- NHens will lay through spring and summer and into the fall, as long as they have 12 to 14 hours of daylight, their rate of lay will drop off as the days get shorter. Expect to check for eggs morning and evening.
- NPlan to clean your pen at least once a week.
- NIf you go away, you need a reliable chicken-sitter.

Roosters for Sale
For those of you who do want a rooster, Wabash has a wide selection of breeds to choose from. Come find the one that’s right for you and your community. If you don’t want a rooster, come anyway! Wabash is a lot of fun!