4537 N. Shepherd., Houston, TX 77018
Mon–Sat: 9-6pm, Sun: 10-6pm

Video library


Production Red Hens

Ayam Cemani Roosters

Baby Chicks

San Jack Roosters

What to Feed Your Backyard Chickens

Silkie Roosters

Raising Backyard Chickens

Cold Weather & Chickens

Beekeeping Supplies


Earthworm Castings

Growing Peppers

New Tomatoes

Crimson Clover as a Cover Crop

Tips for Growing Strawberries

Fertilizers for Fall

Watering Before a Freeze is Crucial

How to Use Freeze Cloth

What’s Eating My Mustard Plants?

Growing Berries

Growing Garlic

Planting Fall Bulbs

Growing Apples

What Vegetables to Plant in the Fall

Companion Plant Tomatoes

Planting Fall Tomatoes

Sowing Your Fall Seeds

The Importance of Compost & Mulch

Kick Off Spring with Microlife

Wabash Wonder Soil

Growing Medicinal Herbs


Primal Bone Broth

Primal Raw Bones